I made history one time with my $250,000 win... but tonight.................
Studio is dark.GSK: When we went to the intermission.. Calvin had just said final answer
GSK: on the million nuyen question.
"frankz": i'm anticipating calvins response
"Spot": sweets, *yawn*
"frankz": with great anticipation
GSK: His answer was B: Nicole.
"Spot": never copywrite
GSK: and the question was
GSK: In Family Guy, what is Ernie's wife's name? A: Janette B: Nicole C: Stephanie D: Christine
"frankz" bites nails
Karmasutra: D
GSK: He risked one million nuyen
GSK: but did he get it right.
Cloggedone.: ^jump audience
"Spot": Slap me at will lol
Flagg: Woo Hoooooo!!!!
shli: What is a nuyen.
Flagg: way to go Calvin!
GSK: nuyen is the world's currency for events and whatnot
[Hermes]: *** .Panne. has joined the extended chat network.
Scott.: a fictional currency that you can't get anything with >.>
"Calvin": ttt...
GSK: you can trade in earned nuyen for prizes.
"frankz": new japanese yen
shli: oh. bahah
GSK: Alright so
GSK: Calvin
GSK: you wanna know if you got it right or not?
"Spot": Nu..new..yen... tough huh?
"Calvin": I...
Everything goes black."Thomas": TOO DARK
"Thomas": im scarreeeed
Karmasutra: hey to tapped my rear
shli listens to jax
Karmasutra: who
[Hermes]: *** .Panne. has left the extended chat network.
"Sleepy E": me... I hope
"Thomas": GSK
Cloggedone. mugs everyone while its dark
"Calvin": Is it?!
"Thomas": did he get ti right?!
"Spot": And I wonder why I drink...
Dodgy: ouch - who just trod on my toe
"frankz": clogged, get off
shli: Let me play.
Suddenly... the lights come on and the confetti rains down!"Calvin": AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
shli: No dont. ill hav eto leave to o soon
"Calvin": YES!
"Sleepy E": eeek, *unhands Spot*
shli: Omg!
Karmasutra: WOOHOOOO
Flagg: Woo Hoooooo!!!!
shli: A millionare!
Karmasutra: WTG CALVIN
sweets: yayyyyyyy lol
"frankz": ohh confetti
"Tracker": WHoo Hoooo Calvin!!!!!!!
shli faints
"Thomas": Calvin is... a... MILLIONAIRE!
Dodgy: c o o l
Pythagoras: hahahah
Karmasutra: lol calvin
Cloggedone. gives mugged money to flagg and runs
arsene.: clap clap clap
sweets: Calvin is going shopping!!!
Zippy804: W00t@
"Spot": ignore Sleepy, I try to
"frankz": clogged now you've just handed yourself in
Flagg: lol
shli: Hopefuily you at least won a cit.
mermer4u: calvin needs new clothes
shli: Lol.
Dodgy: Calvin is airborne
"Spot": We hope so, sweets
"Thomas": he has
"Sleepy E": try all you want... you will fail
[Hermes]: *** .Panne. has joined the extended chat network.
GSK: Calvin
"Thomas": he has the money for a cit
"Tracker": Nicely done GSK!
sweets: hah yeah
Karmasutra: regis.. i wont your autograph!
GSK: you will leave this studio today
GSK: with 1,000,000 nuyen.
shli: CONGRATULATIONS on winning a shot at love with GSK...
Scott.: lolol
ORB Emerald: WTG Calvin!!!!!!!!!
ORB Emerald: oh prettyyyyyyy
ORB Emerald: *applause*
Karmasutra: clapsssssssssssss
"Tracker": Not bad for a tourist! lol
shli: crabssss
Flagg: Good Job Calvin!
ORB Emerald: lol @ the tourist comment
"frankz": *audience claps and cheers*
Yes, yes, YES!